O.K. Parents, this is going easy on you, but you get a C.

Look, you are trying hard: you worry about your kid, you talk about your kid, you follow along with what your kid is doing. No one doubts your good intentions. And you put in long hours on the clock so kiddo can own the usual stuff and attend some decent school. But love your kid? That's more of a commitment than you seem willing to make. Maybe, parent, because you are gonna be dead before a true oil squeeze or actual global warming, before the ravages of over-crowding become as common as the plague, you can't accept the facts. Unless you change your priorities your son or daughter's ability to shoot someone will mean more to their survival than straight A's or a big salary, cause soon enough the gun fights over water and land and oil and food are coming to a neighborhood near you. But you keep letting them believe it is o.k. that their food comes from factories, that cars are more valuable than bikes. If you urged schools everywhere to maintain farms and made your kids bike to campus, then you could have your B. As is, though, you barely pass. And kids in this age of grade inflation know a C is really an F, and that's not getting it done.

--Doesn't feel good that assessment? Does it?

Try going down.