An obscure architectural note of no relevance (possibly) is that the old big churches here seem to plant their spires on a lot of base.  Sometimes this gives them a slightly lady-liberty feel.

Anyway, such skyward points of orientation often disappear from view and this is particularly true of the Westerkerk, the spire of which includes a globe sized blue bonnet that looks a bit like it belongs in a cocktail, lower or higher houses reveal or conceal spire  into  flip frame view, and more than the others the lean of a streets cut it from frame altogether when close . . . on certain approaches

and this is all the more impressive since the Westerkerk (Kerk = church)  owns of every angle when taken in full or scoped from a rifle shot street, then the lone site.

So you approach and circle with disaster-monster type-action-thriller-adventure-chances-are-there-is-a-girl-in-it-movie thea’ter glasses on . .

The glimpsed beast, that icon everyone would possess, the uncertain video shown in this missions Mission of Iffy Control, Control Room . . .

Anyway, near, around and up to The Olive Church, you do a fair amount of king-konging,

In a street level window, a house among many stores, a dark tabby sits on the neck of a large stuffed bear splayed beneath as if recently caught, or just brought down.   Rising from the sphinx position with easy pride, the smile betrays glorious self-delusion about the ferocity of the hunt.

That’s a Cat Point

Dog Point

Large and brown, a noble old lab sits up in a box fiets pedaled by young woman.  She cannot be ten years older than the pooch.    Nearby bikers, cars, the wheels beneath--all that once deserved a fair bark or good chase glide by as happy backdrop, another effortless trip past imagined glories  . . .

. . .  a different breed of Max, still at the front of the sleigh, fifteen years after the Grinch returns Christmas.

. . . From Spy vs. Spy Self

Brush with traffic: In city centre, not yet at the corner, crossing (a no-no) where the street dips in front of me.   What? The euro-car comes up from under.  Surprise, concern, anger, the freeze face astonishments of pedestrians, of passenger, and perhaps driver too--exposed now to good couple X as the scampering extra were bad guy Y giving them chase.

— Shoe phone not exactly ringing off the hook either