Fuck You Mr. Computer. (note from bottom of the internet)

Jocks and Jock-ettes

Any sport in which some thing of some kind gets banged around, before or after while or part of some advance, delivered, received or denied by someone else or some group of others will lead devoted commentators or practictioners to speak of “touch.”

and ies)  , any twith a stick, or sent through a doo-hickey will, according to those who know it best or invest in it most continuously, reveal touch

Trying to keep the grid properly gridd-ish gets a little crazy making at times.  These are just notes and notatio.  Possibly they will find a more permanent place on the grid, perhaps this is that.

with how well some of the stuff is known, if you can do a good cover, you are a good band.

(there are exceptions,

here’s a video-moral-choice-wirdo-reality note from somewhere near the bottom of the internet, Reagans kids, sort of became public f.u. mom and dad pundits.  Bartlett’s boy is just an embarrassment.

don’t remake everything, just get the genre right.

in the genre of nonchalance: howdy

if everyone can more or less do it--cooking, cleaning, getting around, let everyone do it.  if some do it spectacularly that will be great, but that everyone can is greater still

Can anyone get to anyone through the u.s. mail?

The guy walking over the bridge?  The guy tuning his guitar as he walks over the bridge, to the cafe he might be headed to, the cafe or house party or party on some house-boat-house. He might rightly think he has a chance to get some tonight.  He might.

Adendium to the kids tilting at the horses in the stall off a school yard.

J & D claim they see water being hosed, or dumped, off a roof, onto kids below, the kids below tied to a pole and given umbrellas.  The kids above are four flights above, a deadly fall away.  If this happened, as J/D claim, it happen one bridge crossing from where the bigger boy tilts at horses.  Bout a twenty second trip, by horse.

Say what you want about oil, you can’t say its a peacemaker


Always listening to nothing. That’s why sound

has gotten so bad

If you exist you have identification.  Nothing else need be carried

Parts is parts, there’s no beef, and somehow Americans still get

fatter all the time