A government not of the people, not for the people, not by the people will not stand, no matter who is in the house.

Un-hooded Republicans, those nattering nabobs of Neanderthal-ism, who hate science, children, women, and poor people (gays can stand in line or get moved to some internment camp), and the lobby-lover’ed Democrats, too impotent to cover the banality of their evil with so much as a sheet, all look worst under the eye of the figures they pretend to hold most dear.

Jesus would throw the right out of every temple, Martin Luther King Jr.  would march on Obama’s door.  But it is impossible to hear any call to some better part of your nature (let alone call others there with authority) when you spend all your time suckling the sweet-sweet booty of corporate America, stroking whichever rabble already agrees with you, and oscillating between self-delusion and elf-righteousness.

Apologies, but in a broken, corrupt, and cowardly America, it is hard to keep a civil tone.

So dear powers that be:Make it simple.  Get out of you offices.  Stop catering to those with a planned pitch.  Serve the people, the people and the people.