Porn on the screen often highlights the age of the actor as part of its dial-in calibrate-ability: Teen, college-cute, the milf-set . . . and that leads to another off-putting question put over on how you get off.

If the point of the scene is to suggest, for some viewers viewing pleasure, that the young woman having intercourse is younger than the eighteen she is legally supposed to be to have intercourse on video for someone to view, what prop will most convince in terms of maintaining this illusion for greatest pleasure and/or most profitability?  Pigtails? Braces?  A lollypop? A well flashed nubile smile? And the grimace suggesting pain or coercion? Can this be calibrated or enacted as though enough displeasure under the pressure of fate suggests some learning or that yes, after all, it was all an act? Like tragedy?

Is to not know not the point?