Dog Point

The Better Biker bikes in the rain with a table saw on his handlebars. The wind driven blade enjoys a spin.   Not the hardest of better biker maneuvers, but not for you to do. Leading from alongside, happy hound runs to stretch the leash, if not the hand, of the better biker. (That’s a dog […]

Dervish Whirl

Street Scene: While the woman walks, the woman talks. And while the woman walks–and talks–the woman spins. Chin corkscrews to apex, but at each return to point she’s head straight. From there it’s a hard glide forward as hair and skirt loop behind–and catch up. –The dervish whirl, on imagined ice.

Sound or music amsterdam

A church bell tolling the hour is absolutely a sound, and absolutely not music.  But it can be better than music, which is true of few sounds. n  

walk and walk

With one walk equal to one stride, start at The Netherlands Institute for War Documentation and Walk and Walk and Walk and Walk and Walk and Walk and Walk and Walk and Walk and Walk and Walk and Walk and Walk and Walk and Walk and you get to The Bible Museum. –Neighbors, even here

Exposed as no one/back from mommy

Like most places, you get here twice: land first, figure the way to town next.    After the bag grab and customs queue shuffle-through, it’s no more than down a down ramp to where the rail depot you need turns up.  From tarmac to train ready, this sherp is short. Not yet on the twenty minute […]

(Longest Queue Town)

That the RLD, like Anne Frank’s house  draws so many visitors must say something about something.  People talk a little less in the latter and there are times, walking home through the RLD you just kind of wish everyone would ease up on all the quacking, or had less to quack-quack about. From the right […]

spy vs. spy self

  Walk and walking in the city centre, the icon-light there to insure your anonymously safe crossing waits ten meters further on, where less brazen touristics assemble. Coming up from the hitherto unseen roadway dip, your last left look causes a look-back-blind-spot filled, now, by the euro car. Surprise, anger, concern, the freeze face astonishments […]