Download Codecs? 

Download Codecs?  What’s coded up there?   –And who are the Ecs? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

two freedoms

The first freedom demands missing sound from the everyday world.  Leaf blowers or backing-up alarms or most mediated talk, you can hardly blame an ear-budded populace its preference for tunes and tuning out and cancelling all that noise. A little arrogant or self-inbubble-ing or sad or whatever, the world ought surely to sound better than […]

baby talk from all over/iva/

Of course Rock and Roll is primal.  Everyone’s first dance? Shake Rattle, and Roll –the way every baby swings.

memorex dude

For a certain kind of boy, the “is it memorex or is it live” dude getting blown away by his speakers had amp, was the kind of guy you wanted to get laid like. But tape was all sham. Hard to use, bad quality, a hint of wire in its form, only the bequeathal of […]

as basic as binary

Question: Why are schools not ranked by how much they make and give away, rather than by sports teams and college admissions? Might asking this be reasonable? Or might not it?      


Sound or music? A bottomless question?  Or one that bottoms out at the top of your should meter?ll   School

The Most Evil of Guitar Solo’s

begins at 4:53 of Richard Thompson’s Gethsemane. This means it takes a rock song life-time before it begins, which it does with the same one-note authority on which Sympathy for The Devil ends. The patience, even boredom, of the songs first four plus minutes is the pace of coming exhaustion.  Your best punches?  Go ahead.  […]

Better Public Transport

Someone on the radio back home says a bike lane is only a bike lane if an eight year old can use it.  Probably true.  It would be hard to move through this city and not see a six your old pedaling along at some time or another.  Which means that this place is a […]