Props For Exploitation

Porn on the screen often highlights the age of the actor as part of its dial-in calibrate-ability: Teen, college-cute, the milf-set . . . and that leads to another off-putting question put over on how you get off. If the point of the scene is to suggest, for some viewers viewing pleasure, that the young […]

memorex dude

For a certain kind of boy, the “is it memorex or is it live” dude getting blown away by his speakers had amp, was the kind of guy you wanted to get laid like. But tape was all sham. Hard to use, bad quality, a hint of wire in its form, only the bequeathal of […]


  Is it more of a turn on to masturbate to something rated “most popular,” according to those masturbators who do the rating or might (masturbation-wise) ‘popular’ be good enough for you to masturbate to, assuming you are, you know, the average masturbator? And the exceptional masturbator? What prize do they get?  ↑ (Down page)

Begin porn 1

At bottom, porn on the internet changes everything. –Everything or almost