July 22

To compel you to believe poor, swarthy people cause most trouble in the world, the last few days do little.  Rich white execs ruin news, bribe cops, and own politicians.  Golden boy shoots up Norway.  As profilers, the world is terrible.

Better Public Transport

Someone on the radio back home says a bike lane is only a bike lane if an eight year old can use it.  Probably true.  It would be hard to move through this city and not see a six your old pedaling along at some time or another.  Which means that this place is a […]

More Stupid Commercials

Ad for the marines claims the corps does not make compromises, they make marines.  Suggestion?  Try making a few compromises. Then, maybe, you will need to make fewer marines. Oldsmobile claims to be reinventing the ownership experience.  Could anything better advertise our need to re-invent the sharing experience?