or some day like it

Shoot The Kids

Fast and strong tools have solved so many of our past problems we think yet faster and yet stronger tools will solve our future problems too.  This has also led to speed and strength problems only speed and strength care to solve.  How to kill a five-year-old as quickly as possible before or after killing another five-year-old was not formerly a challenge our most bad-ass tools needed to meet.  But today you can’t throw your Bible at the television before some talking head blesses an instrument for its carnage capacity.

Armed guards in every kindergarten make school safe in exactly the way hell is safe.

But of course it is not just guns we have ramped up to do things they never needed to do, its things we need even more than guns, like food and schools and cars.  And at some point–and now is as good a point as any–we need to choose the future we want.  Some people are going to choose a future of guns.  Guns in school.  Guns in church.  Guns in their heads.  Zero gun free zones.  The devil never had it so good.