or some day like it

Paris: Long

Imagine the meeting beforehand, to prepare: You two go to the stadium and blow yourselves up.  We will slaughter people in restaurants. The rest of you go to the concert to kill, reload, and kill some more. Now, let’s set a start time for the carnage and then we can adjourn.  God is great.

Like you, I would not participate in such a meeting. I object to the agenda. I would want to talk to the boss.  Some jobs must not be part of our global organization here at operation earth.

Maybe it is time, then, for another meeting.  If you are the kind of person who enjoys a café and prefers to survive concerts, this meeting could be for you.  If  you think boys acting like joy-stickable killing machines is a glitch in the system, please join in.  We won’t come to perfect consensus, of course, and maybe only a few billion of us can fit into this internet meeting space, but that’s enough to think, make a few recommendations, look each other in the eye.

Problems? Yes.  We have them.  That’s why we are here, after all.  Whacko testosterone, ill-liberal education, automatic weapons, the incendiary politics of oil, women made chattel, addiction to screens–any consultant to Operation Earth would have to say these show up over and over as liabilities, threats to the bottom line of life’s profit. All those and, of course, the belief god is on my side.

Let’s talk about the screens in a moment and keep the god on my side thing  a recurring point, since the godliest branch from one franchise of the organization–the Muslim franchise–is currently in almost every managers doghouse. Indeed, against them everyone here naturally expects some sort of military response and as you may know if you have checked any of our brochures, the chief of the France Division already calls it war. So we better take that up as agenda item one.

To begin with this “war’ branding is an issue.  War, as a campaign against drugs, poverty and terror did not produce great results when rolled out by division America.  And that the chiefs are on the screens talking about “standing shoulder to shoulder” and “winning” means they kind of forget they won’t actually be standing on any real battlefield and that maybe this whole problem does not fit into a win-loss model.   Computers got tapped.  We dropped lots of bombs.  We spent lots of cash and still the joy-stickable boys with the automatic weapons are back.  Telling us again they will never return feels iffy.  Like the idea, but heard it before.

Thus, well, hmmm, tough one.  Look  Angela, Vladimir, Barak.  You and your team at the G20 get big staffs and nice homes.  You have lots of perks.  Gotta earn ’em.  If we are going to follow the kill ISIS war plan it had better be as a massive world army.  Few here are misty eyed about terminating all contracts with ISIS and letting them go altogether.  But it must be done together. Israeli’s and Saudi’s, Turks and Kurds, Aussie’s and Brazilians.   This needs to be straight up prevention. A hose on our hottest fire.  And that only works if everyone carries water.  Otherwise, it is a statement about god or oil or influence or some other kind of gossipy matter that means the flames never go out or even get stoked.  And, as a few people around the table will no doubt point out, a massive world army, however much better than than a unilateral initiative it may be, still means fielding our own joy-stickable killers.   Something to think about later when we review our mission.

If treating this as state on state war is the way to go and the organization terminates the ISIS branch, o.k.  But the moneyed contracts need terminations too.  There are many of us who wonder what would happen if all of you–Angela, Vladimir, Barak, you and your teams–cut off capital and weapons and Toyota’s to any in that franchise.   We are suggesting that how you carry out the war, and what weapons you use does matter.

Quick case study on this point: 2001 attacks on their NYC/DC headquarters, led America to terminate Iraq’s sub-par division head.  But their methods spread bad habits throughout the organization, weakened them as a stakeholder, and did not solve the essential problem, as these latest attacks show.  Whatever cost/benefit analysis you use to consider the case, you will have to conclude organization earth can do better.

Of course some manager types want to insist the problem is the Muslim team itself, and that the final solution is to get rid of them all, not just the ISIS franchise.  Well, millions of them walking across Europe are now voting with their feet: they want better. That ought to speak for something.  And there is anecdotal evidence in Detroit and Berlin and elsewhere that the Muslim team can join in with other players to the benefit of all and the organization as a whole.  Still, some of these final solution managers are loud in their calls.  Truth be told, it’s just not practical is as hard as putting twelve million Mexicans behind a wall.  Besides, whether apartheid or the West bank these kinds of large scale player identification programs rarely prove as effective for the whole organization.  Even the Nazi franchise, still a role model for efficiency in killing, did not get all the Jews. Had they managed we might have no bagels (now a favorite among the organization) and more reason to think we could do likewise to Team Muslim.   Finally, the table agrees.   Team Muslim will be here one way or another.   An organizational reality even for those who think the whole division should be annexed.

But team Muslim, we do need to talk.  You are on the agenda.

We know there are many franchises, and that as a team most of you reject the ISIS playbook.  But your division treats women terribly and gets too upset when someone calls you a name.  The first is serious problem because all the science and all the evidence shows that women with a little control over their reproductive life and a little money helps raise poverty levels and increase stability.  It is linked, too, to boys not acting out of sexual repression and humiliation.  Strong, independent, healthy, empowered women helps men most of all, is the best prophylactic against breeding more killers.

If you want to come back to us next time we meet, Team Muslim, with a report that drones are just as deadly as boys with guns, that those who get upset are an anomaly you can’t decipher, that some of your franchsies treat women better than does the RNC and that the news on our screens has a decidedly Western tilt, the abuse and torture and outrageous norms inflicted on you by global interests that will prop up your worst chiefs to get at your oil . . . we will be here.  Still, those were your joy stickable boys in Paris.  Whether or not, or how much, other divisions may have helped with the programming, you exported the parts.

Indeed, there are some at the table who anticipate that report enough and find the usual war branding failed enough to want a whole different strategy.  Invade muslim countroes–really any country–with armies of teachers and books and solar powered refrigeration.  There is a contingent that would like to turn the other cheek and


As stated at the beginning of the meeting, no consensus here is likely.  And whether you see the joy-sticked boys in Paris as programed or grown, that they were a well regulated malitia means the code or soil is, as the entrpeneurs among us like to say, scaleable.  Its not some one off fluke /




You might, for instance, think about how you can move Assad into early retirement? He’s a bad chief and he’s hurting the bottom line in all kinds of ways. How come he still has weapons and money? Collectively you can’t put a better pinch on him? Will he only hand over the keys to the country he broke if that world army goes in?


Which brings us to the screens, soft and hard.  Ideas have to be o.k.  All speech has to be allowed.  The difference between

A large contingent of the French team left the stadium calmly, sand their national anthem, and preformed admirably at least in part because they did not have the internet.  The joy-stickable boys with the automatic weapons obviously have plenty of technology.  And

Ill-liberal education does not just mean


Its just a meeting.  Take any of this under advisement as you wish.   No clear victory will come from schools with books, not just computers, where kids learning to farm and paint and read stories, not just crunching code,


Of course education should be expensive.  It is costly to learn.  But













Millions of Muslims now walking across Europe as well as those who act as they did in Paris. Suffering massively and causing massive suffering–none of this is good for business or Muslims or even those who hate Muslims.


for both America and ISIS, though increasingly those in the latter act like a well-regulated militia. Schools free of junk science, overloaded with books of fiction rather than faith, and regarded as places to nurture rather than punish might smooth out the glitch a bit, but more religion, more technology, and more sexual repression does not look to be making young men any less lethal than



The chief of France calls it war. Hmmm. Not sure about that branding. America’s chiefs rolled out “wars” on drugs, poverty and terror too, with flat results at best. When he and all the other chiefs talk about “standing shoulder to shoulder” and winning against


Instead of declaring war the brand of response, let declare help and see what happens.


and insisted only


failed to prevent the


Could all be the fault of the Muslims, as some divisions claim. Kill them all. Put them behind a wall (with twelve million Mexicans) drone out the bad actors as best we can identify them. Can any of these be a final solution?





And it can’t just be Angela, Vladimir, Barrak, David. Please. He’s proven he’s not in your league. You may kill with drones or shoot down jets or arrest people who speak out, but dropping bombs on habitats? Bad for business.



Maybe to best sell fraternity, liberty and equality France will want to declare peace on something.




Like any business or team, we must think about our core beliefs, and the god belief is causing trouble. The bad actors in Paris








walking across Europe. That’s not good for business. Some number more in the global spotlight for exactly the wrong kind of performance, that’s even worse.   Lots of possible responses, but one early action has to address Syria. The chief there can not still be getting weapons, can he?



If, to use a logic borrowed from Mr. Trump, if we could put them all behind a wall we might be able to say it was just this strain of people that was


So dear religious people. If you want to save their souls, save their bodies. Go to


So a whole division suffering the most and grabbing all the credit for hurting the   suffering.


And none of this is good for business, at least not the business we plan to be in, here at peace&piece.



First of all, there is still the thought that maybe



And I guess there, I am talking to you Vladimir, and Angela and


Apologies Republicans and Tea Party Types, but you have to do better. You can’t get to use cell phones and insist on junk science in the classroom.





up with


are cool and



If he wins you over with that, cool, but


What will you and I buy–which ideas, which products–if we want to feel a little safer at the restaurant, in the concert, watching the game?


Those on the god team will say it’s a power grab between one or another deity. Could be. Deporting

God, we are reminded once again, is not great.


Where deporting Mexicans in a final solution re-dux, repressing sex to the point of


If we in America are going to say we are better. Then let’s be better.


And those kids at Missouri are the role model’s.


Now the black athletes at University of Missouri may be spoiledand entitled. The students at Yale even more so. (I’ve met few first people, let alone few young people, from the first world not somehow spoiled) but none of


You want to imagine something. Imagine the world the right in America wants: Everyone in their church on Sunday, sex after marriage, everyone




For sure, though, sales is an issue. And ISIS either has it all wrong or all right. It’s either kill them all and don’t worry what anyone thinks or n


Again, metaphors matter.


The kids might say it’s like a virus. But we seem not to be able to inoculate ourselves from the sickness well enough. What the


social media and the –and can be caught–from anyone and any people to any

The Muslim world suffers from a particularly virulent strain of sickness infecting the world, faith,


But let’s stick with the business metaphor, because if you are reading this, you are a customer.


Work to decrease the power of Oil. I am sorry, but this means more bikes and less meat. Spend less time addicted


God’s only mysterious move was to convince us he moves


Heaven is where the police are British, the lovers French, the mechanics German, the chefs Italian, and it is all organized by the Swiss.

Hell is where the police are German, the lovers Swiss, the mechanics French, the chefs British, and it is all organized by the Italians.



The best armor is staying out of gun-shot.
-Italian proverb.






And yes, speech is free. Every idea and possibility must remain available to us all. The picture of my shooting you differs from me actually shooting you. In scenario one you get to spend tomorrow hating me. In scenario two you do not.   There are times when restraint breeds life. Some of the choice in that restrain must be accorded women.


ISIS took responsibility. They called Paris of home to the pornographic. It is a particular insanity to be able to kill people with total abandon and still hold onto the idea that something can be offensive. But then the sickness infecting the Muslim world at the moment makes cancer look like a cold.

If we were truly one world, actually one people, had any belief in some god, we would not do what we have done every time previously, 2001 most notably.


It’s not that religion never had any good ideas.




I said I want to talk to the boss. Angela, Vladimir, Barrak . . . the rest of you. Stop the flow of weapons to Assad. He’s proven he’s not in your league.


I said I want to talk to the boss. And that’s you and me. If you are reading this you buy in or not. Separate church from state, limit the flow of wepons, bike more and eat less meat. Support women’s rights.

You may


When the armies of Russia, France, Germany, America, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Israel line up at Syria’s borders and remove Assad from power, then and only then will the leaders of those countries deserve that title: leaders. Invading neighbor states, using drones, building walls and excusing your co-reliogionists may look like leadership at home, in our current, tiny and interconnected world is just thugishness and self-service. It may look less distasteful as carried out by Obama than Putin, but we must stop dividing the world between East and West, Modern and Ancient, first and third.


The world now is divided between those who



France is the new United States and the United States is the new France. Let us hear no more nonsense of France’s propensity to surrender, and America’s willingness to lead the fight against the radical Muslim terror and barbarism. Obama, the liberals’ beaux ideal of a President, continues to lead from behind, relying on air strikes alone to defeat ISIS. A couple of well-placed US combined arms divisions on Syrian and Iragi soil would do the job. Assad and his henchman Putin would ultimately stand down, and at this point tacitly welcome greater US military muscle. France, Germany, Saudi Arabia among other aggrieved nations will stand with us