or some day like it

State of Ship, Ship of State: A “Hear, Hear” . . .

. . . offered here for Kamala Harris.

‘She took him down.’  ‘Surgical.’  ‘People will remember how she behaved, her service to the country.’  After Sister H undid Brother Barr, the buzz on the blogo’shere in these parts came in the lingo of a win for the home team.

Feign-able outrage, shrill needs made public, a refusal to be questioned, assertion of privilege due only oneself or one’s team alone–if nothing else Miss Harris offered a lesson in something other than that, a counter to those.  She was convincingly “not.”  Something “other.”  More her job than herself.

Disappearing into the background of jurisprudence and clear with her steps.  The anonymity that comes with doing your homework.  The plumbing you can fix if you know more than the golden throne of privilege.

Oh sure, that was Kamala Harris, she who is running for office, blah, blah, blah.  But not not working for the system of all as she did her thing.  the pitch of competence, knowing the ropes.

The visuals were good too–a black man behind her, in her corner–you go, Corey.

And as for,


“I am trying to grapple with word ‘suggest’”


Well, Sir, it would be a stretch to say you tallied off a swashbuckler of a retort there, showed your self captain or crewman or cabin boy who might command or pull at or climb lively the ropes and pulleys of jurisprudence.   No, Sir.  Just another Trumped-up sailor, sunk in the art of private deals and a bloated self, tangled in the claim all that is rigged is somehow yours.