or some day like it

On Shooting Asians

It used to be easier to know how to hate. Beat the women. Burn the Jews. Lynch the darkies.

Now so many need hate it’s hard to keep up. You start with Dems and lefties. Or end with them maybe. It’s a full-time job to keep up, the work of a righteous soul.

Thank god there are guns, though. That sure puts hate in its place. Me with power, you with fear, me without recourse to what I lack, you paying the price.

And you can tell it is part of the deal now, not even worth fussing over by those who need to die.  One of our babies–put holes in eight hateables and no one much talked about the guns this time.  Sex and slant-eyes were all anyone said anything about.  They’ve forgotten how to hate guns, I guess.

Another win for us.  Glory.  Hallelujah.