or some day like it

Campaign Fundage

Here’s another silly idea:

Since the Mr. President and the Mr. would-be-President insist on raising like a billion dollars each to run for the Mr. Presidency, and since no matter who you are you have to think all that money spent on an election is a little gross–especially when you have to think (no matter who you might vote for) the country is kind of in a shambles and that maybe all these people who insist their election is so crucial could spend a little of that gross amount of money they raise not on getting elected but on something else, on something we all agree is good, if, that is, there is anything at all upon which we can all agree.

Frequent, Answer-less Question: Is up still up?

Anyway, maybe 10% of all money in the attack add coffers goes to a charity both candidates agree does good?

Or . . .

Each candidate picks a town.  The Mr. Obama picks the blue-est of blue towns.  Mr. Mitt picks the reddest of red.   Half of all the funds Mr. O raises goes to the red town.  Half of all the money Mr. M. raises goes to the blue.  THEN, with the local powers that be, the candidates have to administer how the town that hates them–O in Red, Mitt in Blue– that money.

Now the two candidates can have a debate in front of an audience made up of both towns.

At best everyone will get confused about what they are trying to do enough to actually do something that matters.  At worst, a couple of towns that need it will get some cash that would have otherwise been spent on another silly “and I support this message” commercial.