or some day like it


  • Beware

    The clouds are my clocks. –Mopati Morake Mo meant that after a few weeks of quarantine he stopped looking at his watch or his phone. Is it Tuesday or Wednesday?  We’re all feeling time bleed together. Together, for the first time in history, we all feel time bleed. Read more

  • Mortality

    Slip slidin’ away –Paul Simon The usual narrative is that the young think themselves indestructible while the old know better. Read more

  • Beauty

    This is, therefore, the intensest rendezvous –Wallace Stevens Beauty is expensive. Michelangelo needed to become a businessman to get the marble he wanted, Toni Morrison woke up at 4:00 AM to write while raising children, David Foster-Wallace gave up television to read day and night. In London, Fortitude Bakehouse turns out the most delicious sticky… Read more

  • Friend

    In the safe harbor of each other’s company they could afford to abandon the ways of other people and concentrate on their own perceptions of things. –Toni Morrison Friendship lacks exact parameters. Like love, it can ignite right away or boomerang into you, someone you first tried to escape coming back to you as a… Read more