or some day like it


Thoughts about now

  • Note on Freedom: The International Criminal Court in the Hague has issued arrest warrants for Netanyahu and three leaders in Hamas and it is worth noting, freedom wise, that Netanyahu and those Hamas leaders are free to submit themselves to this court, free to say: “Enough with murder and mayhem. If this is how the… Read more

  • Tuesday

    Place: As a binary setting between Gaza (or anywhere bombs fall on people and their houses, anyplace everyone recognizes as a war zone) and campuses of elite American colleges (Columbia, Harvard, and the like) that setting must registers one place as “less safe” and “more dangerous” than the other place, a places that is is… Read more

  • Wednesday

    As Basic As Binary: The dial that turns a thing from the ZERO of “Never gonna happen” to the ONE of “Maybe it could happen” can click past a million degrees if calibration, each notches a way to register what comes between swhat you want and it beoming manifest. Read more

  • Thursday

    Note On Education: Dear Gentle Congress People, Dear Esteemed Alumni, Dear Loving Parents and Dear Noble Faculty: America has the best colleges in the world: Let’s hold onto that idea, learn what we can from this thesis. Read more

  • Saturday

    For the last month, without any success, I have been trying to write about the protests on the campuses in America. Read more

  • Sunday

    Free Columbia? “That sounds flip,” said one friend responding to this as a proposed title, his reading it as dismissive of thosein Palestinee. “That sounds flip” said another friend, the phrase suggestive to her of a dog whistle against Israel Read more

  • Three days ago we stopped as a nation, to recall our losses on 9/11/2001. It was altogether proper and fitting that we did this. But today, rather than 9/11, is the day we ought to memorialize, teach to all school children and “never forget.” For September 14th, 2001 was the day President Bush went to… Read more