or some day like it


Thoughts about now

  • As the faces of thirteen American soldiers killed in Afghanistan looked out at me a few days ago from the front page of the New York Times, and as the war in that country comes to its “official” end, whatever that means exactly, I am reminded of the truth that we live in a world… Read more

  • At some point, the reality will pierce the rhetoric or we will need to commit to the war of all against all: Lefties kill the righties. Deplorables massacre the libtards. There is no text of subtext anymore, only profits and soapbox time and a fetishistic love of violence which makes guns the best extension of… Read more

  • On Shooting Asians

    It used to be easier to know how to hate. Beat the women. Burn the Jews. Lynch the darkies. Now so many need hate it’s hard to keep up. You start with Dems and lefties. Or end with them maybe. It’s a full-time job to keep up, the work of a righteous soul. Thank god… Read more

  • Dear Mr. President, Bravo, Sir. Well played, Sir. You’ve cast a portrait in power out of that material from which the United States was never made: The Self Self-evidence, Sir, not, ‘The Self’ is that granite from which America got carved, our corner of stone, the brick of truth with which we must build any… Read more

  • Paris: Operation Turn Cheek

    Imagine their meeting beforehand: You two go to the stadium and blow yourselves up.  We will slaughter people in restaurants.  The rest of you go to the concert to kill the dancers and the music lovers.  Now, let’s set a start time for the carnage and then we can adjourn.  God is . . .… Read more

  • Shooting Girls

    Do you remember that the nine year old girl killed in Arizona when the guy shot at that Congress-woman-Gifford’s person in Arizona was the guest of a neighbor?   She was a woman responding to the young citizen’s interest in the workings of democracy.  “It was women being proud of other women,” said the neighbor’s husband.  She got… Read more

  • At The Diner

    At the counter at the diner you might meet Joe.  He’s only been here once before and is as affable as his puppy dog cheeks suggest.  He’s from out of town, or grew up elsewhere for sure, the Mid West, you would  guess.  And you would be right.  No matter, he will tell you soon… Read more