or some day like it


Thoughts about now

  • Shoot The Kids

    Fast and strong tools have solved so many of our past problems we think yet faster and yet stronger tools will solve our future problems too.  This has also led to speed and strength problems only speed and strength care to solve.  How to kill a five-year-old as quickly as possible before or after killing… Read more

  • Parade Day

    For a week now jewelry, organic sponges, and lobster rolls have been sold in the street.  A 5K and a 10K and a bed race were all run yesterday and later tonight the town puts on fireworks. But today and now, it’s parade time. No one marches alone, and most groups range between ten and… Read more

  • Shooting Girls (Again)

    Colorado: Why do people keep saying the batman shooter is a madman? O.K. yes. obviously.  But this is also the kind of shooting the American culture must somehow want.  This joker is somehow in touch with his society, not mad, not so divorced from reality he did not know how to make a show of… Read more

  • Seeing ourselves in Haiti

    Such things are hard to gauge, of course, but the disaster in Haiti seems to be resonating with particular strength in The United States. Proximity and our history there explain some of this. But maybe our level of interest is raised by the tremors of America’s worst decade and the quake of the financial crisis.… Read more